Print - Refinement of ideas.

To refine my ideas for my term 1 print project I wanted to focus in on my use of colours; applying contrasting tones together and looking at layers. Also looking at Jason Martin and Keith Tyson's work combined, they have both helped influence and inspire my ideas, looking at manipulation and the textures within materials and colours. 

(Untitled, layered printing ink, on paper, A3)

(Untitled, layered printing ink and zest-it, on paper, A1)

(Untitled, layered printing ink dragged and printed multiple times, on paper, A1)

To create these refined prints shown above, I applied things that I have developed throughout the process of this project looking at chance and manipulation of the ink and also the use of layers and textures to show movement within the materials. To create these I applied the dark and light colours in separate layers done over time as I found that this helps to create contrasting surfaces between the dry sections of colour and the colour that contains zest-it. I found that this produces matte and shiny colours which is in turn visually appealing as each section is a slightly different texture giving the viewer a lot to look at. What I also find interesting about these prints is that it looks as though I printed the lighter colours first when in fact I started with the dark blue and purple tones. By layering the colours together I think that this creates depth within the work and also by using dry and wet ink, contrasting textures have been produced which makes the pieces more interesting to the viewer. Also with some of my work I found that when they dried the ink moved or changed in texture slightly; controlled accidents, manipulation caused by the process of drying. 

If I was to continue this project looking at textures and movement within the ink I would consider using different materials on different surfaces to see how they printed and expressed the differences between the matte and shiny textures. I would also explore the use of layers in more detail especially with contrasting dark and light tones.