My first group crit was for my print project. When we got to my work someone asked the others what they thought of my work. Some of the words people said were; busy, energetic, exploration of space, creates atmosphere, bright, colourful. They also recognised that I felt inspired by Gerhard Richter. People then gave me some helpful suggestions as to what I could do next.
These are some of the comments made...
- Could develop my previous lino cuts; print these with lighter colours on top of the black colours
- I could add zest it on to the lino and see how that prints when sent through the press
- Combine the use of colour with the lino prints, layer up those two techniques?
- Explore ways in which I could apply the colour; scrape onto paper, smudge, drag the paper. (find out how to apply colour without preparing the pallet before hand)
- Colour seems to be taking over; maybe don't use urban element anymore
- Colour & process could begin to dominate my project now as opposed to coming up with a 'concept'
- Try starting with black and white? then add colour on top?
- Look at Keith Tyson!
This session has helped me a lot, I will work from these suggestions and I now feel happy with how my project should develop.