As well as collecting our own research in our self directed time, during one of the lessons we were set the task of producing a large scale painting using Fabiano paper and only black and white emulsion paint. For this I developed one of my sketches from London, depicting a view looking off a bridge at the Thames and London Eye. My idea was to show the idea of movement without using people as I had done previously in my beginning research. So instead the water was a key part to achieving this in my painting as the ripples in the water would add life to the landscape, rather than showing a horizon or stationary buildings.
( Untitled, emulsion paint on fabiano paper)
To paint this I began by painting the majority of the page in white and then working on top of that with black. Emulsion paint doesn't dry too fast so it made it easier to add different tones to my work without pre mixing shades of grey. To paint this I used a set of decorating brushes which ranged in size so I could apply fine detail as well as large brush strokes allowing me to show different textures within the piece. I thoroughly enjoyed this task and I positive about my outcome which surprised me as working to a large scale felt a bit daunting. I loved being able to use big brush strokes to create more gestural marks as opposed to working on a smaller more confined scale. If I could improve on this I could reconsider the angle of the London Eye as I have not quite got the right ellipse to help show the correct position of the structure. As development I would like to produce some more larger scale paintings at some point, but next time introducing colour.