Group Crit.
(My current work for my self directed project)
Points made during my crit:
- work again with using only colour looking at night time and low light contrasts.
- If I go bigger I will need to use bigger tools to compensate.
- continue to play around with perspective; it helps to draw in the viewer and generates a strong atmosphere.
- draw at night to look at light?
- focus on parts; what is it in the paintings I enjoy?
- It is apparent that I am showing my interpretation; what I remember is in focus and what is my memory is blurred (this is a good contrast)
- continue with this; depicting what I felt and saw in the chosen location.
Artists to maybe have a look into:
- Spencer Gore
- Michael Andrews
-Richard Tuttle
- Oskar Kokoschka
- Walter Sickert
-David Hockney's polaroid pictures of Root 66
(Peer Assessment)
My intentions:
After this group crit I felt very positive knowing that what I am doing is working with helpful feedback from the whole group . As suggested I will do a little more into my use of colour showing experimentation with the time of day and also idea of perspective. This will then help me to decide on what I ideas I will represent as my final body of paintings and what colours and application of texture to use to help generate an atmosphere that reflects a city environment.