Formative Assessments-
The brief for this project was to explore the theme behind 'Accumulate and Disperse'. My project focused on chance and manipulation of the printing ink; how the colours could be distorted on a flat surface to create movement and texture and then printing what was produced. A strong contextual influence for this project was the work of Keith Tyson. As strengths I personally think that throughout my work you can see the thoughts and decisions made and also the direction in which I chose to refine. Also my use of colour texture and mark making proved effect. As a weakness I believe I could have gone into a lot more depth with my ideas, exploring the idea with different medias for example; more experimentation.
During my assessment comments were made stating I had explored and produced competent prints using a broad range of techniques but they all have potential for further development. Also it as suggested that I sit back more and reflect on what it is that fires me up in the work then go on to developing it. By doing this I will have a better contextual understanding about why the artists do what they do.
Grade given: C
For my paint project I decided to focus on the theme of urban environment looking at structures and movement within cities. As strengths for this I believe I have demonstrated clear use of subject matter and focus to the project. I think I have explored good combinations of colour and mark making as well as effective composition choices. As a weakness, looking over my work I think that it is of a small scale. In future projects I should try and work to a larger scale showing a range in idea sizes.
In my assessment it was recognised that I had worked hard for this beginning project experimenting with a range of approaches to the project. Strengths; application/ mixing/ composition of colour and ideas. Now I could try and use different scales - keep challenging application, colour and time of day.
Grade given: B
The set brief for this project was to research around the idea of 'Journey'. For my approach I decided to look at my journey taken through the city as I go to and from home and University. I ended up developing on the idea of movement in particular with people. Personally I think my strengths for this project were; good use of composition and depth to my ideas. Also there is clear development between my initial research and my more refined ideas. In terms of weakness I could have used more media combinations and I could have done a lot more work in terms of research to inspired more in depth ideas. Also during my project I found that scaling up actually ended up detracting from the delicate sketchy technique I was using.
During my assessment feedback it was said that I have produced an interesting journey project and I evaluated my work well with interesting comments made on scale. For future projects I could look at developing a method to allow me to scale up more effectively and I could also use a variety of media to express my work.
Grade given: C